Solo Parent Travel : Adventures of a Single Mom on the Road

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Solo Parent Travel

I lifted the backpack up onto my shoulders and it seemed heavier than usual. With a rainbow lollipop gripped triumphantly in one hand, my six-year-old firecracker, Lily, bounced with scarcely restrained joy beside me. As a picture of mismatched socks and unbridled optimism, we set out on a two-week journey to Costa Rica. It can seem like a never-ending juggling act to be a single parent. However, this trip was more than just a holiday; it was an opportunity to make lifelong memories and introduce Lily to the world outside of her comfort zone.

Solo Parent Travel
Solo Parent Travel

It was a familiar dance, the first bustle of airports and security lines. Normally chatty, Lily became into an adventurer, opening her eyes wide at every new sound and sight. But the airline experience was a whole other thing. Equipped with a plethora of munchies and downloaded cartoons, I skillfully navigated the cacophony of meltdowns and spilled beverages. It was literally a breath of fresh air to land in San Jose. The antiseptic airport stood in stark contrast to the warm embrace of the tropics. Rejuvenated, Lily was a blur of inquiries about the vivid flowers and strange birdsong.

Solo Parent Travel
Solo Parent Travel

We started our journey in a tiny eco-lodge tucked away in the bush. Every night, the sound of flying insects and invisible birds soothed us to sleep. We spent days discovering hidden waterfalls, the refreshing spray providing a much-needed break from the noon heat. As Lily changed into a young naturalist, she painstakingly gathered vibrant leaves and correctly or incorrectly named the strange animals we saw. We discovered a concealed sloth clinging to a tall limb one afternoon. Lily was laughing wildly at its slow-motion movements and continually surprised expression. This creature, a quiet tribute to the beauty of slowing down in a world obsessed with speed, captivated our attention for a solid thirty minutes.

Solo Parent Travel
Solo Parent Travel

Embracing spontaneity was a must of being a single parent on this trip. We learned to overcome obstacles with a grin (most of the time), relished in unexpected discoveries, and skipped scheduled events when meltdowns struck. During a particularly soggy afternoon when we were confined to our room, we used laundry baskets as boats to transform a spilled bottle of water into an amazing indoor sea adventure. The room echoed with Lily’s laughter, demonstrating the power of creativity and the happiness that can be discovered in the most ordinary situations.

Solo Parent Travel
Solo Parent Travel

Working as a volunteer at a sea turtle nursery was the trip’s high point. We released hatchling baby turtles onto the sand that morning, their little flippers sending them hurtling toward the wide ocean. Our shared recollection of seeing this natural wonder—a silent testament to resiliency and hope—will last a lifetime. Lily slept sweetly, holding a souvenir sea turtle and a heart full of new experiences as we boarded the plane to return home. The journey had been hectic, demonstrating the tenacity and ingenuity of single parents. Even if it wasn’t always simple, it was all worthwhile when I saw the world mirrored in my daughter’s eyes.

Solo Parent Travel
Solo Parent Travel


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